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The Dundas Street United Church Story

The following are some of the significant dates and events in the history of Dundas St. United Church: 

1884     Central Methodist Church Quarterly Board felt the need to establish a church in the west end of Woodstock.  A lot was purchased on the north side of Dundas Street, between Oxford and Winniett Streets.  A building was erected on this site and was known as the “West End Mission”.

1888    -  The congregation has grown and now need for a larger building to worship in.  A lot is purchased on the northeast corner of Dundas and Oxford Streets – which is the current site of the church.  

1890    -  The building is completed and dedication of the new church building takes place on May 4th.

1925   -  Dundas Street Methodist Church became Dundas Street United Church and there were special services held to celebrate the occasion.

2005-  An accompaniment program was instigated through Rev. Bev Robinson from London Conference.  Rev. John Brown joined Dundas Street United as Minister, while a search began for a new minister.  This marked the 25th year for the Christmas Place, an outreach program established by Valerie Drane, a long time church member.

2006- There was a change of board structure from Session and Stewards to Governance and Committees.  Pam Wilcox was hired as the staff associate.  Angel Breakfast - a Saturday morning breakfast mission begins.  It is a huge success, serving 60-100 people each week.

2007- Rev. Bonnie Pilkey joined Dundas Street as the new minister.