Dundas Street United Church
A Place to Belong…
Where God makes a Difference
and we make a Difference
in the name of God.
Minister: Rev. Susan Cameron
Minister Emeritus: Rev. Dr. Margaret Trapnell
Minister Emeritus: Rev. Liz Lemon
Director of Music: Bill Gibbons
10th Sunday after Pentecost
July 28, 2024 10:30 am
We Gather To Worship
Piano Prelude Bill Gibbons
Welcome &Life and Work of the Church
Land Acknowledgements
We acknowledge the traditional Indigenous lands on which
our church stands: We name the Haudenosaunee,
Anishinabewaki, Attiwonderonk (neutral), Mississauga and from
Treaty 3, 1792 the Anishinaabe.
Lighting the Christ Candle Carl Thompson
L: “Come and bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord”
P: As we light the Christ candle this morning, we also
“lift up our hands to holy place and bless the Lord.”
L: “May the Lord, maker of heaven and earth” bless us as
we gather to worship this day and carry the light of Christ into the world. Psalm 134 (selected verses)
Call To Worship
Leader: the power of scripture fills us with new life.
People: Once again, we are called to experience that power and the fullness of being it brings to us.
Leader: We come to sing and to pray, to laugh and cry and seek
comfort within this community and within the Word of God.
People: May God’s Spirit move within us as we worship.
Lord, we ask for courage and strength to stay
connected with you, may our time in worship guide us as your servants.
Opening Hymn: VU 245 "Praise the Lord with the Sound of Trumpets"
Opening Prayer (Unison)
May the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be
acceptable in your sight, O God our strength
and our Redeemer. May the thoughts of our minds and
the actions of our lives be fulfilment of your love as
revealed in scripture and community, O God, our grace
and our hope. May the chaos of our days and the peace
of our nights, rooted in the words of scripture, bring
moments with you, O God our life and our breath. In the
name of Jesus, the Living Word, we ask these things. Amen
(Rt. Rev. Dr. Richard Bott)
Kids' Hymn: VU 340: "Jesus, Friend of Little Children"
(You may remain seated)
Kids' Zone
Prayer of Confession (Unison)
Attentive God, we feel like a vineyard exposed to the
elements. You hold out such promise for us, and yet we
need your tending. We come before you with roots
stretching for nourishment in sandy soil.
Yet for some of us, we are mired in clay of guilt and regret. We come
before you with arms branching out in love.
However, there are times when we are weighed down by
our own burdens. May we be refreshed by the rain of
your grace and warmed by the sunshine of your love. Amen
Assurance of Pardon
We Listen To God's Word
Scripture Reading: Exodus 1: 6-22
Reader: Carl Thompson
One: This is the Word of God
All: Thanks be to God.
Anthem: "To Show By Touch and Word"
Scripture Reading: Matthew 11: 25-30 Rev. Susan
Sermon: "What Is Your Yoke?"
Hymn: VU #626 "I Heard The Voice of Jesus Say"
We Respond to God's Word
Invitation to the Offering
Doxology: VU 543 "We Give Thee But Thine Own" vs.1
We give thee but thine own
what e'er the gift may be
all that we have is thine alone
a trust, O God from thee.
Offertory Prayer
Bountiful God, you have given us so much and we are
grateful. Accept these our gifts given from the
abundance with which you have blessed us. May this
offering serve both the church and the world. All is
given in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Prayers of the People
The Lord's Prayer
Closing Hymn: VU 595 "We Are The Pilgrims"
Commissioning and Benediction:
Leaving Song: "Go Now In Peace"
Go now in peace. Never be afraid.
God will go with you each hour of ev’ry day.
Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true.
Know God will guide you in all you do.
Go now in love, and show you believe.
Reach out to others so all the world can see.
God will be there watching from above.
Go now in peace, in faith, and in love.
Choir: "What A Friend We Have In Jesus"
Piano Postlude
Coffee Hour Co-ordinator
The Joy Board is looking for a volunteer for co-ordinating Coffee Hour, once a month. This person wouldn't be doing coffee hour but would try and get 12 people to look after 1 each during the year. If you are interested please speak to Susan or call the church office.
Cheese Balls
Cheese balls are available for your summer entertainment. There is a signup sheet to order them on the bulletin board. $8.00 each
Sunday School
is being offered the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month . After Kids Zone, the children will go downstairs with their teachers. There will be pew activities will be available on other Sundays.
Summer is flying by. It is almost time again to order your Fundscrip Cards. On August 4th the next order will be going in so make sure your orders are into the office or given to Carol Corkish by then - and more good news - Carol has decided to stay on as our Fundscrip Co-ordinator.
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to Barb Workman who is celebrating her birthday on July 31st.
Trunk Sale
Last Saturday was a beautiful day and a great day for a Trunk Sale. Thank you to all those who organized and participated in any way. To date the profit is $660.81 from sale of tables and the BBQ
Thank You
Thank you to everyone for your donations to the Children's Hospital. Don and I delivered them last week and they were very grateful.
Gathering School Supplies
For the month of August we will be accepting donations of school supplies for Daso, The United Way and if you know of any other groups who would benefit, please let Jenny Gaudier know.
Thank you
Canadian Foodgrains Pork BBQ
Friday September 13th
5-7 p.m.
Knox United Church, Woodstock
Tickets - $20.00
Kids (up to 12) - $10.00
Available at Dundas Church Office
Work in the United Church
Those who work in the United Church’s Philanthropy Unit have the privilege of hearing the stories of generous supporters. Each story shared is inspiring, but this note included in a cheque sent by Rock Lake Pastoral Charge in Manitoba is especially delightful:
“Please find enclosed our cheque for $125.00. One of our member’s great-grandchildren rolled loose coins they found around the house. There was 1 roll of loonies, 6 rolls of quarters, 6 rolls of dimes, and 5 rolls of nickels. The three children ages 12, 9, and 7 were told if they rolled the coins, they could use the money however they wanted. They decided very quickly that they wanted to give it to children/people of Ukraine. They brought the money to Rock Lake Pastoral Charge and asked to have the money sent through The United Church of Canada for Emergency Response―Ukraine. They wanted it to go through the church because their great-grandmother loved the church.
“The children could have gone and bought a toy or chocolate bar but they thought about it and decided to give it to help the people of Ukraine. They were so proud when they came into the office. It was a big heavy bag of coins they carried for seven or eight blocks to get here. They were really pleased to present it,” says office administrator Linda Sharpe.
This story represents thoughtful, intentional giving at its finest. Every gift given is a treasure. Every gift given tells a story about generosity.
Thank you for supporting the work we do together as a United Church. May the story we tell in our giving and receiving bring us ever more near the heart of God.
Father's Day
The bulletin this morning is dedicated to the
Sewing from The Heart group.
June 16, 2024 10:30 am
We Gather To Worship
Piano Prelude Bill Gibbons
Welcome and Life and Work of the Church
Land Acknowledgements
We acknowledge the traditional Indigenous lands on which our
church stands: We name the Haudenosaunee,
Anishinabewaki, Attiwonderonk (neutral), Mississauga and from
Treaty 3, 1792 the Anishinaabe.
Lighting the Christ Candle Jenny Gaudier
L: Gather us in, ground us in you.
P: Abba, Father, Holy God, Jesus’ holy parent, we gather in your presence.
L: Gather us in, ground us in you. As we light this Christ candle
may we seek your presence as Jesus sought your presence on earth.
P: Loving God, listening God, help us to see your living
presence in every living person you plant in our lives.
Guide us to see Christ’s light. Amen
Call To Worship
Leader: Come God, come walk with your people for you alone are our strength and glory.
People: Come God walk behind us, beside us, before us.
Leader: You alone are shelter, and the presence we seek, we put our trust in you accompanying us every day.
People: Come God, come, seek and find and put us right, for you alone are the
light in our darkness.
Leader: Come God, we know you are near. The sound of your footsteps will
set us dancing again.
People: Lord, we ask for courage and strength to stay connected with you,
may our time in worship guide us as your servants.
Hymn: VU #226 "For The Beauty of the Earth"
Opening Prayer
God, you are like a father to us for your spark in us brings life
and we bear your image within us all our days. We come in
worship to praise and to adore. Receive our united hearts, bless
us with your strengthening presence, and renew us for the
ministry to which you have called each one. To you we pray, Abba, Father. Amen
Hymn: MV 30 "It's A Song"
Kids' Zone
Prayer of Confession:
Loving, Creator God, we examine our lives in confession this morning. We don’t confess our unfaithfulness in an attitudeof fear because we are assured of your faithful love. When we look at our lives, our church, our world and see so much that falls short of fullness, we would be overwhelmed by despair except for your overwhelming care. Bless us with the renewing power of forgiveness that we might begin afresh this time with our hand more firmly clasped in yours. Amen
Assurance of Pardon
We Listen To God's Word
Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 5: 6-10, 14-17 (The Message)
Reader: Jenny Gaudier
One: This is the Word of God
All: Thanks be to God.
Anthem: "Somewhere Over The Rainbow"
Scripture: Mark 4: 26-34
Sermon: "just a little seed"
Hymn: VU 288 "Great Is Thy Faithfulness"
Our Response To God
Invitation to the Offering
Offertory Prayer
Doxology: VU #543 "We Give Thee But Thine Own" vs.1
We give thee but thine own
what e'er the gift may be
all that we have is thine alone
a trust, O God from thee.
Dedication of the Prayer Shawls
The Prayers of the People
The Lord's Prayer
Closing Hymn: VU 664 "What A Friend We Have in Jesus"
Commissioning and Benediction
Leaving Song: "Go Now In Peace"
Go now in peace. Never be afraid.
God will go with you each hour of ev’ry day.
Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true.
Know God will guide you in all you do.
Go now in love, and show you believe.
Reach out to others so all the world can see.
God will be there watching from above.
Go now in peace, in faith, and in love.
Choir: "I'm Gonna Live So God Can Use Me"
Piano Postlude
Coffee Hour
Please join us today following the service for fellowship and refreshments in the brown hall.
Church Picnic
The church picnic will be held on Sunday, June 23 at the Boathouse Pavilion at Southside Park commencing at 10:30 am. Please bring your own brown bag lunch. The Worship Committee will supply cold drinks and desserts. Katie will engage us in arts and crafts. In case of rain it will be held at the church.
Important Note - Fundscrip
Fundscrip is an important and successful fundraiser for our church. We are very thankful for Carol Corkish's thoroughly wonderful co-ordination of this project. Carol at this time needs to step away from this commitment and so we are seeking a new co-ordinator for the project. Please speak to Garry Waugh if you are interested in this 3 hrs. or less monthly time commitment.
Sunday School
is being offered the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month . After Kids Zone, the children will go downstairs with their teachers. There will be pew activities will be available on other Sundays.
Collection for the Children's Hospital
The UCW will be collecting items for the Children's Hospital for the month of June. We would also like to extend an invitation to the congregation to participate in donating if they wish. They are looking for new books, games, coloring books and Crayola crayons, puzzles, play doh and any items that the kids may enjoy. They are also looking for "preemie" sleepers. The box will be upstairs under the coat rack and will be labelled. Thank you.
Joy Board
Will meet on Tuesday, June18th at 6:30 p.m.
Dundas St. United Church
Community Trunk Sale and Hot Dog BBQ
Saturday, July 20, 2024
8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Looking to get rid of that extra stuff cluttering your home, garage or storage? Here is your chance.
ALL venders are welcome to join us for our PARKING LOT Trunk Sale. Sell from your vehicle or fill your parking spot with your wares!
Vehicles must be in place by 7:45 a.m.
Deadline to get a spot is July 18th. Spots are limited so book your early.
Cost to participate: $25.00 per parking space. More than 1 spot per person can be purchased. To reserve your spot or for more info call (519) 537-7935
Fantastic Friday
We are celebrating Canada Day with picnic style games. God loves his community . Friday, June 21, 6:30-8:00. A family friendly night of games and fellowship in God's Love.