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       Dundas Street United Church

                   A Place to Belong…

                           Where God makes a Difference

                                      and we make a Difference

                                            in the name of God.  


Minister:  Rev. Susan Cameron

Minister Emeritus:  Rev. Dr. Margaret Trapnell

Minister Emeritus:  Rev. Liz Lemon

Director of Music:  Bill Gibbons


The bulletin this morning is sponsored by Bert Overveld and family

in loving memory of Marg Overveld,

who would have celebrated her birthday on November 3rd.

24th Sunday after Pentecost

November 3, 2024                                                            10:30 am


We Gather To Worship

Piano Prelude                                                                 Bill Gibbons

Welcome & Life and Work of the Church

Land Acknowledgements

We acknowledge the traditional Indigenous lands on which         

our church stands:  We name the Haudenosaunee,       

Anishinabewaki, Attiwonderonk (neutral), Mississauga and         

from Treaty 3, 1792 the Anishinaabe.

Lighting the Christ Candle                                       Janice Pullen                      

L:       In our beautiful sanctuary, in the places of work and play, are    

          we searching for direction? Who will guide us to finding our path?

P:      Jesus teaches us He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.        

          He will be the light for our path.

L:       We light this candle reminding us we do not search on our

          own, the light of Jesus illuminates our journey.

 Call To Worship                                                                                           

L:       Come, people of God, come and worship here.      

P:       We come with hearts full, and hopes high, and faith rejoicing. 

L:       Come, brothers and sisters in Christ, come and worship now.

P:      We come with voices, music, hands and feet.

L: Come children of the Spirit’s longing, come and worship God.  

Hymn: VU #313    "God Whose Almighty Word"

Opening Prayer  (Unison)

          Generous and loving God, be with us this day and      

always. Direct us on how we should follow your path.        

Guide us and keep us safe. Give us strength when we

grow weary and lose our way. Stay by our side in times       

of uncertainty and sorrow. Give us love, give us strength     

and give us grace. In Jesus’ name we pray and together          

now we pray, Our Father…..Amen 

Hymn:  VU #229   "God of the Sparrow"

                                   (You may remain seated)

Kids Zone

Introduction to the Confession of Faith

Prayer of Confession:  (Unison)       

God, help us to realize you draw us into your presence        

at the broken places of our lives. God your love and        

mercy searches us out and finds us in Christ Jesus.   

Help us to trust in that love and mercy and tell the truth          

about  our lives. For the things we have said that have      

caused harm, forgive us God. For the words we left    

unspoken that could have shown love and faith, forgive  

us God. Draw us into your presence we pray, guide us          

with your grace. Amen

Assurance of Pardon

We Listen To God's Word

Scripture Reading:  Ephesians 2: 11-22           Reader: Janice Pullin             

      One:  This is the Word of God

      All:    Thanks be to God.

Anthem:      "Blowin' In The Wind"      

Scripture Reading: Mark 6: 30-34, 53-56    Reader: Janice Pullin

Sermon:   "Built Together Spiritually"             Ephesians 2:22    

Hymn:  VU #374     "Come and Find the Quiet Centre"

Our Response to God

The Invitation to the Offering                             

The Offertory Prayer

Doxology:   MV 191   "What Can I Do, What Can I Bring" 

          What can I do?  What can I bring?

          What can I say? What can I sing?

          I’ll sing with joy. I’ll say a prayer.

          I’ll bring my love. I’ll do my share.

Prayers of the People

Closing Hymn: VU #563    "Jesus, You Have Come To The Lakeshore""

Commissioning and Benediction

Leaving Song:  "Go Now In Peace"

          Go now in peace.  Never be afraid.

          God will go with you each hour of ev’ry day.

          Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true.

          Know God will guide you in all you do.

          Go now in love, and show you believe.

          Reach out to others so all the world can see.

          God will be there  watching from above.

          Go now in peace, in faith, and in love.

          Amen, Amen, Amen

Choir:  "Jesus On The Mainline"

Piano Postlude




Disking  has started on Mondays at 1:30 p.m. in the green hall.  Come out and enjoy some fun and fellowship. 

Everyone welcome.  No experience necessary.

UCW Cheese Balls

Cheese balls are available for your entertainment.  There is a signup sheet to order them on the bulletin board.  $8.00 each

Bible Study

We meet on Thursdays at 2:00 p.m. in the boardroom.  Everyone welcome.

Fundscrip - Today - Nov. 3rd

It will soon be time to start your Christmas shopping, so remember that a Fundscrip Order

will be going in next Sunday.  What a great gift for someone who doesn't know what they would like.   

Only a couple of more order dates before Christmas.

The Friendship Circle

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, November 6th at 7:00 p.m.  Roll Call is "a favourite bazaar memory.

Upcoming Events for Nov. & Dec.

from the Worship Team

  • November 10 - Remembrance Day Service
  • November 20 - UCW Lil Red Truck Bazaar
  • November 24 - White Gift Sunday - Be sure to get your gift cards from Carol in time for White Gift Sunday. 
  • White Gifts will go to the Christmas Place.
  • December 1 - Communion Sunday

Watch for more information in the next bulletin

Worship Committee

The next Worship Committee meeting is Tuesday, November 5th at 9:30 a.m.

Games Night  

Join us for an evening of games and fellowship on Friday, November 8th at 6:30 p.m.

Afternoon UCW Upcoming Meeting

The Afternoon UCW Unit will be holding their next meeting at

Oxford Gardens on Wednesday, November 6th at 1:30 p.m.  We will be carpooling from

Dundas St. United Church - Meet at the church at 1:00 p.m. for the car pool. 

Our roll call is a gift for Christmas Place - money gift cards or toys are always appreciated.

Sewing Booth - Bazaar

Items for the sewing booth may be brought to the brown hall downstairs between 9 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. on Thurs. Nov. 7th or Thursday, Nov. 14th.  Thank you

A Message from Bows and Boughs (Jean Phelps)

Secretly known as Jeans R(recycle) and R(reuse)

Again this year I will be pleased to operate this booth for the annual church bazaar.  My preference this year is to

take your personalized orders and have you pick them up at my home. 

This method worked quite well the last couple years, and saved a lot of hauling pots up and

down church steps.  However I will still have a few things in my booth for your last minute shopping.

You can order anytime now at 519 537-5109 or speak to me personally (please make sure I write it down, memory great, retrieval system failing).

  • Door Swags will start at $12.00
  • Pots start at $25.00 for standard 10 inch pot
  • Greenery Bags $10.00,
  • Gift Mugs $10.00

The above pricing will apply only to preorders,  on bazaar day pots start at $30.00 and swags $15.00.  This is to save hauling and encourage early ordering.  

Many of you have donated pots, decorations and ribbons.   This allows me to make your decorations.

Not to be forgotten, the property committee and my helper Mary Jane, your assistance is

unmeasurable. Basically I reuse and recycle most everything to make my booth profitable.

Everyone's continued support will be very much appreciated.

Thanks Jean.



Wednesday, November 20, 2024

1:00 – 5:00 pm

Count down has started!! If you are interested in helping at our Bazaar or working in a particular booth, please let any Bazaar member know. If you have any questions about our Bazaar please call Bazaar Convener Brenda Harris (537-7403). To put together a successful bazaar it takes the whole congregation and we thank you for your help.

**** HELP ****** SILENT AUCTION ******* HELP We are again having a Silent Auction table. If you are associated with a business that would be willing to make a donation of a new item or gift certificate to the auction it would be greatly appreciated. Items can be brought into the office to Gail. Helpers are also needed following the Bazaar to help distribute items.

******************************* NOW *****************************

Knitting & Sewing: Bows & Boughs: Finished baby sets, mittens, aprons, sweaters, placemats, pot holders, etc. One extra craft or knitted item adds up to a great. Check the bulletin for when to bring your items in to be priced. This is an exciting booth with red bows, green boughs and other greenery. Farmer’s Market & Deli: etc. Jams, jellies, pickles and any vegetables, An extra jar of jam, pickles or chilli sauce will soon add up to a fantastic booth. Sweet Shoppe: Any donation of something for the sweet tooth, i.e. fudge or chocolates. Cookies, squares, loafs, cakes, pies, etc. Check the bulletin on when to bring in your fancy squares and cookies to make cookie trays. CHEESE BALLS: As you know sales of those great tasting cheese balls has started. Get yours ordered before the bazaar.

HELP: We need everyone’s help! Any help would be greatly appreciated even it you can only work for a couple of hours. You can contact Brenda if you are interested in helping out that day. THANKS 7 8 You have something for the Bazaar but don’t know when to bring it in? We don’t have a lot of storage so we ask you keep it until closer to Bazaar day. Look in the bulletin early November for more specific dates. We will be meeting Sunday, Nov 10 @ 6:30 pm to start decorating. All hands are welcome. We would like to thank you for all your help in making our Bazaars something to be very proud of.

A Message from the "Sweet and Treats Shop" Countdown to Bazaar has begun and we hope you will be able to make your favourite recipes for the bake tables. It is never too late to do a few more goodies to help us make this year another successful one. We will be pricing the baking the afternoon before the bazaar so we would be grateful if you could bring your baking to the church for Sharon and Carol between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Tuesday, November 19th. We will still be happy to accept baking up to noon the day of the bazaar. With your help we hope to make this year another great one in the "Sweets and Treats Shop. Thanks in advance. Sharon and Carol